• Dea Elma Pavitta Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Keywords: Gross Motor Skills, Sport game, Children Group B


Rough motoric children in early childhood are very important to support strong, healthy and skilled physical growth. The gross motoric ability of group B children in RA Al-Izzah is still low, this is because when at home, children do not do physical activities outside the home, and only play with gadget s in their possession so the ability to move is limited. The method used in this study is an action research method, an action designed in a repetitive cycle, in this study consisted of 2 cycles. The first cycle was 8 times, and the second cycle was 2x actions, with the success criteria reaching 75%. The research subjects were 10 children in group B at RA Al - Izzah Serang Banten. Based on the results of the study, there was an increase in the gross motoric abilities of children, this was evidenced by the results of the percentage of gross motoric abilities of children namely: 1) in the study of 27%, 2) after the child was given action in the first cycle the gross motoric abilities of children increased by 55%, 3) in the second cycle 80% is obtained. Then it can be concluded that by using a sport game exercise can improve the gross motor skills of children in group B in RA Al - Izzah, Serang, Banten.


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