• Evi Afiati Bimbingan dan Konseling, Universitas Sultan Ageng Tirtayasa
Keywords: Guidance, prosocial, sociodrama


The purpose of the study was to determine the effectiveness of the guidance model through sociodrama games to develop children's prosocial behavior. Research uses a mixed methods approach. The results showed that the guidance model through sociodrama games was effective in developing child prosocial behavior so that it could be used as an appropriate pedagogic strategy in the development of prosocial behavior. By applying the guidance model through sociodrama games, the prosocial behavior of children has increased significantly, sequentially the highest increase starting from the dimensions of empathy, cooperation, sharing, helping, honest and contributing. Empathy is included in the category of Very Good Developing (BSB), in theory this can be explained that empathy is the basis of all prosocial behavior.


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